
HeartMath is a scientific research institute that, through their discoveries about the heart-brain connection, has developed tools and techniques to optimise health and wellbeing.

Their scientifically proven, simple but effective methods, allow individuals to improve the health of mind, body and spirit through intelligent stress management.

They describe stress as emotional unease. Emphasis is placed on the understanding that stress is the emotions we feel in response to an event, situation or experience.

Every stress that we experience, whether consciously or unconsciously, results in the body activating the stress response, also called the fight-or-flight response. In the moment, this can be very helpful for us, but when the response remains active for a long time period, it can be very draining and unhealthy for the body.

Emotions and the stress response are created by the brain, heart and body working together.

In the past, it was believed that the brain was the master computer, sending signals down to the heart and body, telling them what to do.

However, recent discoveries in neurocardiology have shown that the heart plays an important role in the overall function of our body. It has its own nervous system, called the heart brain, that responds to stress and emotions. Heart beats send signals to every cell in our body and up to the brain, affecting how we think, behave and how our body works.

HeartMath describes how emotions can change these heart beat signals. Negative emotions such as anger, fear, anxiety, that are often what we feel when we say we are stressed, create irregular, chaotic heart beat patterns. This results in poor function of the brain and body’s systems. Positive emotions, such as happiness, joy and gratitude create predictable, even heart signals. The brain, body and heart then work together harmoniously and healthfully.

Building on the knowledge, that draining emotions and stress have a negative impact on how our heart, brain and body work, HeartMath has devised techniques and biofeedback tools to allow you take control of your emotions, and manage your stress response patterns.

As a result, you can enjoy more energy, improved performance, better health and overall wellbeing all achieved naturally!

As a certified HeartMath Health Professional, I am qualified to teach you how to incorporate the HeartMath biofeedback tools and techniques into your life.

If you wish to experience how HeartMath can optimise your health, please feel free to book a private consultation, either in person or online.


Katrine Cakuls